NoSQL operator: summtable

Show statistics about a NoSQL table.

Usage: summtable [options] [column ...]

    --count-unique (-cu)
      A Count of the unique values for each column given.

    --count-unique-null (-cun)
      Like option '-cu' but also shows counts of null (empty) and
      blank values (have only space chars), if either exist.

    --help (-h)
      Display this help text.

    --count-unique-bycolumn (-cuu)
      A Count of each unique value for each column given.

    --count-unique-bycolumn-2 (-cu2)
      Like option '-cuu' but shows only counts greater than one.

    --totals (-m)
      The min, average, max, total for each column given.

    --revert (-v)
      Inverse option. Selects all columns except those named.


Produces "summary" information about the table read from STDIN. If no
columns are given then information about all columns is produced. A
Count of the data rows is always shown.